Rebels Recipes

Fluffy Pancakes

Fluffy Pancakes

Who doesn't love a stack of fluffy pancakes, dripping with maple syrup for brunch?! Being the sweet tooth that I am, I would gladly trade any savoury dish for a delicious stack of pancakes. The fluffier the better!

Smokey Baba Ghannouj

Smokey Baba Ghannouj

Baba Ghannouj fun facts: no one really knows why Baba Ghannouj was given such a name. You see, in Arabic, Baba means "daddy" and Ghannouj means "pampered" or "spoiled". So whether this recipe was invented by an old guy with "Ghannouj" as a family name (which is entirely possible in that region) or for some old, flirty, spoiled sultan, the name is surely a fun one to say!

Smashed and Roasted Potatoes

Smashed and Roasted Potatoes

I first got introduced to the idea of smashing my small potatoes from the one and only Jamie Oliver. Since then, it's become a staple in our household and I absolutely love using my homemade Toum (garlic sauce) instead of minced garlic!

Chewy, Fudgy Brownies

Chewy, Fudgy Brownies

Rawan, the teenager, had a hard time approaching people and making friends until she got into baking! All of a sudden, her brownies became the gateway to breaking the ice and forming long-lasting friendships. And in honour of these friendships, we bring you this timeless chewy, fudgy brownie recipe which is worthy of being a delicious bribe.

Roasted Chicken Wings & Stout BBQ Sauce

Roasted Chicken Wings & Stout BBQ Sauce

After years of open wings and beer nights spent with the best of friends in Beirut, this recipe just seems like the perfect way to immortalize great memories! Oven-roasted chicken wings, drenched in stout-based BBQ sauce is the perfect summertime addition to any game night whether virtual or in-person.